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The Heat is On: Cal/OSHA Indoor Heat Illness Standard Gains Unanimous Approval
- Approval of Cal/OSHA’s Indoor Heat Rule: The Cal/OSHA Standards Board unanimously approved the indoor heat rule on June 20, 2024, following minor revisions from its original draft. Employers need to be ready to comply within the next 30-60 days.
- Changes and Key Requirements: The final rule includes minor revisions, such as exemptions for correctional facilities and clarifications on the heat index chart. Key requirements include having a written heat illness prevention plan, providing training, monitoring temperature, ensuring access to cool-down areas, and establishing acclimatization and emergency response protocols.
- Next Steps: The rule will be reviewed by the Office of Administrative Law (OAL), which has 30 days to approve or disapprove it. If approved, the rule may become effective as early as August 1, 2024, or by October 1, 2024, if not expedited.
- Employer Preparedness: Employers should prepare to comply by developing and implementing required policies and procedures, as detailed in the rule. For more information, refer to the final approved text of the indoor heat rule and previous analyses.
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